Call Recorder

Report an issue

Before reporting an issue, please read the recommendations in these articles and try to resolve your problems by taking the steps described in them:

Also, please read this help: the chances are you'll find an answer there.

If you still cannot find the solution, follow these instructions when reporting an issue. This is very important if you really need help from the developer! First, describe the problem providing as much details as possible. For example, specify the full model name of your phone rather than a short name, e.g.:

  • Correct: Samsung Galaxy S7 SM-G930FD.
  • Incorrect: Galaxy S7.

Be sure to specify the Android version and full name of your ROM, no matter if it's stock or custom.

Try to describe the problem most clearly and attach any screenshots or videos that you believe may be helpful. Just saying "the app doesn't work" will be most useless for the developer! Please explain exactly what is going on when the errors occur, are they repeatable (and how often), what other devices (for example, Bluetooth headset) or software (for example, app XXX) are involved, etc.

Again, be sure to read the Help prior to reporting the issue!

If you haven't received a reply and a new version has appeared since you sent the email, try this version to check if the problem is still there. If yes, please report an issue for the latest version again. I cannot guarantee that I'll be able to answer each and every message, but I do read all messages coming to my email.

Not all problems are solvable of course, but I'm trying my best to correct them as they arise.

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