Call Recorder

Main screen

This screen includes all recordings made so far. To rescan the files and refresh the list, just pull it down. This rescan will include available cloud files if a cloud is configured in Cloud settings. As the result, a check mark in a circle will appear for each recording that has a cloud copy of the same size and name (or disappear if such copy is not found in the cloud anymore).

Selecting recordings

Press and hold a recording to select it.
After that, you can select additional recordings by a single click.
To select all recordings, press and hold any of them, then choose "Select all" from the main context menu (three vertical dots) that will appear in the top right corner of the screen.

Operations with selected recordings

Once the required recordings are selected, you can perform various operations, e.g., remove, encrypt, convert, upload to a cloud, mark or share them.
Note that some operations may be disabled for certain recording formats.

Search bar

Enter a character string to filter the recordings matching it (by either of their contact name, number, date or format). Use “label:uploaded” or “label:!uploaded” to display only those files that have or haven't been uploaded to the cloud.
Note that you can also use the side panel to search the recordings by individual contacts and more.

Contact photos

Click a photo of any contact to open a pop-up window with contact details. From this window, you can call this contact, write an SMS, etc.
If you click a dummy photo for a recording with no contact, you will be prompted to create a new contact for it, call the respective number, or send an SMS.


Press a star from the right side of the recording to mark this recording as important. Starred recordings will never be removed by automatic cleanup if it's configured in Settings > Folders & Files. Also, such recordings will remain intact if multiple selected recordings are deleted. When a star is added to a recording, the recording will be also transferred to the cloud if the cloud is active and “Upload starred” is checked in Settings > Cloud.

Context menus

There are two types of context menus both activated by pressing three vertical dots. First, there's a menu launched from the right side of the top bar that is only seen when one or several recordings are selected.
Second, there are context menus that are opened by pressing three dots from the right side of each recording. Both menus include operations that are possible with a particular recording or with their set (add a note, upload to the cloud, encrypt, covert, remove, share, get info, etc.).

Side panel

Using this panel, you may easily sort out the recordings by call type or format and display only starred recordings or recordings of calls with individual persons. The “Tasks” screen can also be launched from this panel. It shows only currently active tasks such as uploading to a cloud, encryption and conversion. Once a task is complete, it is removed from this screen.

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