Process outgoing calls & Call logs permissions ban
There is a new policy on Play Store that an app asking for Call logs & Process outgoing calls permissions needs to have prior approval by Google. These permissions are essential for all call recording apps. So I have submitted the form to get approval, but it was denied. So I have two options: to remove many features from the app or unpublish the app. You can see features I'll have to remove below.
What I'll have to remove from the main screen:
- Contact name, phone number and contact photo

- Open contact from the app by clicking contact photo

- Add phone number to contacts, send sms or make a call

- View recordings by contact

- Search recordings from specific phone number or contact

- Sort recordings by contact

- Dialog titles

What features I'll have to remove due this limit:
- Exceptions (by contact, group or phone number): without knowing phone number I can't determine group or contact

- Actions for incoming/outgoing calls (record contacts, record non-contacts)

- Call confirm feature: without PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS permission the app can't prevent the phone from making a call to show a dialog

- Link to contacts: without knowing a phone number the app can't create a contact to show a button "View recordings" from a Contacts app

- Option to name files with phone number and contact name

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